We need your help to keep our CAI BayCen Chapter active and innovative! You can make the most out of your membership by volunteering your time. From programs to publications to legislative activity, committee members provide the strength that enables our Chapter to meet the needs of its member communities in the Bay Area and Central region. Learn more about how you can get involved in one of our committees by downloading the file below.
For more information on all of these programs or to apply please contact us.
Develop community visibility and increase public awareness of chapter and meetings through the Chapter Quarterly Magazine The Communicator, e-newsletters and web communications. Help develop the chapters editorial calendar for the year, gather and/or write articles for publication and work with the Communications Chair to help deliver a current and consistent chapter message to members.
PURPOSE: To provide, on behalf of the Chapter’s Board of Directors, four quality issues of The Communicator Magazine during the course of each calendar year and assure the content of the publication meets the standards of the Chapter.
Morgan Hurlbutt, Co-Chair
Russell & Mallett, LLP
Email: [email protected]
Amy Davis, Co-Chair
Solomon & Solomon Insurance Brokers, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
The Designation Mentoring Committee is committed to supporting community managers looking to continue their path of professional development by earning one of several designations offered through CAI. Whether you are new to the industry and want to know how to get started or if you are a seasoned veteran seeking a PCAM credential, the Designation Mentoring Committee is here to help. Committee Members assist Mangers in structuring a development plan specific to the individual. The committee is currently offering three exciting programs designed to help you achieve an advanced designation through CAI.
Do you need some tips on what classes to take? Do you want some guidance as you navigate the application process? The Designations Committee will match you with a mentor that has achieved the industry’s highest professional credential, the PCAM.
Your mentor will provide one-on-one support and guidance throughout credentialing and designation process. This includes creating a personalized strategic plan for each candidate to obtain the AMS designations and preparing candidates for the PCAM case study.
We are offering scholarships of $250 to Community Managers that are chapter members in good standing to partially reimburse you for registration fees for any one of CAI’s six M200 level Professional Management Development Program (PMDP) Courses. Scholarships are awarded once the course is completed and evidence is provided showing proof of attendance and passing grade. Other restrictions apply. Subject to application approval by the Chapter Board of Directors and availability of funding.
3) THE CMCA Challenge (Study Session & CMCA Exam)
Hold a CCAM? Taken the M100? Have five years industry experience? If so, you qualify to take the CMCA Challenge!
The BayCen Chapter is offering those Community Managers who currently hold an active CCAM® designation the opportunity to “challenge” the CMCA exam without having to sit though the two-and-a-half-day M-100 course.
Our chapter offers a FREE study session with a qualified California instructor to prepare you for the CMCA examination. There is a $350 cost to take the CMCA Exam immediately following the study session. But, if you pass the exam, the Chapter will award you a $250 scholarship! To be eligible you must be a Community Manager and chapter member in good standing.
PURPOSE: The Designation Mentoring Committee (“committee”) is a committee of the Bay Area and Central California Chapter and reports directly to the Bay Area and Central California CAI Chapter Board of Directors. The purpose of the committee is to work within the chapter structure to develop and plan programs and services to enhance the education experience for managers who have obtained and are seeking advanced designations through CAI.
Traysee Rylance, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, Co-Chair
Common Interest Management
Email: [email protected]
Kristin Amarillas, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, Chair
The Manor Association
Email: [email protected]
Wendy Miller, Board Liaison
CAM Construction and Painting
[email protected]
Responsible for communicating information regarding legislative issues of importance to common interest communities in the Bay Area. Monitors legislation at all levels of government and helps the Chapter set specific issue priorities for advocacy and education. Learn more here.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Legislative Support Committee (“LSC”) is to promote and strengthen awareness within the community association industry of legislative activities associated with CAI and the BayCen Chapter.
In particular, the BayCen Chapter LSC: (1) provides support for the efforts of CAI’s California Legislative Action Committee (“CLAC”), a committee of CAI National; (2) raises awareness of the Legislature’s actions which affect community associations; (3) keeps the Chapter’s members informed of CLAC’s activities in Sacramento; and (4) raises funds to support CLAC.
Kristin Amarillas, PCAM, AMS, CCAM-PM, Chair
The Manor Association
Email: [email protected]
Amy Tinetti, CAI-CLAC Delegate
Hughes Gill Cochrane Tinetti P.C.
Email: [email protected]
Stacie Donnelly, CAI-CLAC Delegate
Condominium Financial Management, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Adams Stirling PLC
[email protected]
Help the chapter to recruit new members and retain existing members through personal contacts via phone and email, and identify new areas in which to target prospective members. Determine areas where the chapter could improve programs and services to fit member needs.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Membership Committee is to maintain and renew existing Manager, Business Partner and Community Association Volunteer Leader (CAVL) membership, as well as to increase membership numbers and participation amongst the respective member categories through established outreach and communication efforts.
Sonia Lopez, Chair
The Manor Association
[email protected]
Responsible for the overall management and planning of the Annual Awards Dinner, including selection of the location, entertainment, recruiting sponsors and promotion of the event.
Mandi Newton, Chair
Varsity Painting
Email: [email protected]
Megan Mutimer, Co-Chair
Saarman Construction, Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
Responsible for the overall management, selection of location, recruiting sponsors and planning of the Annual Golf Outing.
PURPOSE: To coordinate, on behalf of the Chapter’s Board of Directors, an Annual Golf Classic designed to provide a social event for members and invited guests to meet and network. It is also a marketing opportunity for professional and affiliate members who sponsor the event. The Golf Classic is the Chapter’s primary fund raising event. Proceeds raised form the tournament help the Chapter produce quality education programs and events that keep the attendance cost of such programs to a minimum. To facilitate, with direction from the Chapter Board, a quality tournament for the purpose of socializing and networking with chapter members and like minded industry professionals.
Melissa Wood, Co-Chair
Black Diamond Roofing, Inc.
[email protected]
Ramon Pacas, Co-Chair
ACT Construction
[email protected]
PURPOSE: To plan an annual female-focused event that allows for networking opportunities and a positive environment where women (and men, should they choose to attend) in all areas of our industry can come together for a non-traditional afternoon tea. The tea will have either a guest speaker (to provide continuing education opportunities) or entertainment (for a more social event), a theme where those in attendance can choose to customize a hat and themed attire, should they choose, and a hat (or spirit) contest with prizes.
Sydney DeMarco, Co-Chair
Fenton Grant Kaneda & Litt, LLP
[email protected]
Wendy Miller, Co-Chair
CAM Construction & Painting, Inc.
[email protected]
This will create an environment where managers, assistant managers and business partners can interact and learn from one another, in a comfortable, poaching-free environment. This event will be planned to strongly discourage management company no-shows.
To provide an opportunity for Business Partners and Community and Assistant Managers to interact in a “reverse trade show” type of environment.
Megan Wright, Co-Chair
Saarman Construction, Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
Melissa Wood, Co-Chair
Black Diamond Roofing, Inc.
Phone: (408) 665-9105
Email: [email protected]
Help to plan educational programs and workshops, development of program content, speaker selection and confirmation, secure sponsors for individual programs, program development and promotion. Programs are currently conducted in Stockton, Fresno, East, South and North Bay Areas of the San Francisco Bay Area.
PURPOSE: To encourage all Community Association Managers, Community Association Volunteer Leaders and Business Partners within the Chapter’s influence to seek education and career enhancement through CAI course work. To coordinate, organize and plan, on behalf of the Chapter’s Board of Directors, regularly scheduled and special programs including luncheon programs, evening seminars, and the annual expo.
Zer Iyer, Esq., Co-Chair
Hughes Gill Cochrane Tinetti, P.C.
[email protected]
Mellissa Ward, Sub-Committee Co-Chair, Board Liasion, East Bay Sub-Committee
Adams Stirling PLC
[email protected]
Responsible for the overall development and management of the Conference & Expo including recruiting exhibitors and sponsors and promotion of the event. The Educational Summit Committee works in conjunction with the Education Committee to develop Conference seminars.
Aivy Vu, Chair
Angius & Terry LLP
Email: [email protected]
Maria Kao, Co-Chair
Email: [email protected]
The Volunteer Committee will maintain the volunteer database, will communicate with volunteers and committee chairs and will host an annual volunteer fair.
To solicit, support, and streamline the efforts of volunteers amongst all established committees while developing future members into potential board members.
The Manor Association
Phone: (408) 318-9741
Email: [email protected]
The Nominating Committee shall solicit candidates for open Director positions by communicating with the membership no later than 75 days prior to the Director Election Date and in such manner and with such frequency as the Nominating Committee deems appropriate and in accordance with these Bylaws and such rules and procedures as may be established by the Board of Directors.
Nominations for candidacy shall be received by the Nominating Committee no later than 45 days prior to the Director Election Date and in accordance with these Bylaws and any such rules and procedures as may be established by the Board of Directors.
The Nominating Committee shall prepare a ballot of qualified candidates, which shall be distributed to eligible voting members at least 30 days before the Director Election Date. The election may take place via paper ballot, internet election or in any manner allowed by state law. Persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected; in the event of a tie, a run-off election will be held, and the person(s) receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected.
No candidate may campaign for election or cause another individual or individuals to campaign on behalf of the candidate. A candidate campaigning for election who is elected shall be disqualified from serving.
Charlotte Allen, CIRMS, Co-Chair
Socher Insurance
Email: [email protected]
Laura Ravazza, Co-Chair
Silvercreek Association Management
Email: [email protected]
Yes! I want to sign up to volunteer on a CAI BayCen Committee. Fill out the form below.
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